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Translations & Synonyms

Synomyms for Micro Torches
Synonyms for Micro Torches
For micro torches there are several synomys used throughout the world. Depending on the geographic location one is more popular than the other, but all have the same meaning. Known synonyms are:
- mini torches
- blow torches
- blow lamps
- gun torches
- soldering torch
- soldering iron
- soldering equipment
- cigar lighter
- jet flame lighter
- torch lighter
- butane lighter
- Big Boys Toy
- pocket torch
- pencil torch
- microtorch lighter
- Blazer Cigar Lighter
- Blazer Micro Torch
- Blazer MicroTorch
- Prince Lighters
- Micro Gas Torch
- Micro Burner

Do you know other terms? Please let us know and we might add your suggestion to this listing.

Translations and synonyms for Micro Torches in various languages
Below you find a list of translations for Micro torches in various languages. Out of professional interest (some may call it deformation!) we intent to build a comprehesive list of translations. Do you know other terms or is your language missing? We invite you to submit your suggestions.

Mikrobrenner, Microbrenner, Mikro Brenner, Micro Brenner, Minibrenner, Mini Brenner, Mikro Lötgerät, Micro Lötgerät, Mini Lötgerät, Mikro Löter, Micro Löter, Mini Löter, Feuerzeug, Zigarrenzünder, Handlötgerät 
micro torche, torche de poche, micro chalumeau, mini chalumeau, appareil a souder, lampe a souder  
parabrisas, encendedor, sopletes para soldadura, lapara de soldar
micro brander, mini brander, soldeerapparaat, sigarenaansteker, sigaren aansteker, aansteker

Do you know other terms? Please let us know and we might add your suggestion to this listing.

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